Monday, May 16, 2011


exactly one more week of school left!!!
that is what i wanted to do in class today.

i think ive really been hit by senioritis.
either that or my classes have been a bit
more lax this semester than semesters prior
1. ive become a slacker who doesnt remember
hw assignments till minutes prior...sometimes
2. make more random mistakes.
3. hit by asian time
(normally. im on time. ready. responsible)

i think i care just a wee bit less.

need to be a better steward of things.
-loosing things is not okay.

over the span of this past week...or couple weeks
leading up to a series of life got struck
into a different path this summer...i am eager to see
what happens and what i learn after it all.....(i think
i shall document it to note and see the changes...
but that shall be kept a secret till the end of it all...)

[you cant control your life...need to learn to let go]

and it is all basically summed up to this one song:
"just the two of us"
[my new theme song for this summer]

everything is all jumbled together....but cant help it!